Hoods a Necessary Evil



Student walking in the hallway with a hood up.

Rachel Rossi, Staffer

  One of the  biggest issues in high schools are kids wearing hoods. But there is actually a reason behind that. Teens that suffer from social anxiety get security in wearing their hoods in school. Some teens wear hoods because it helps them feel safe in class. A hood can act as a security blanket for students with an anxiety disorder or a different types of mental health issues. Some teens may find it necessary to wear a hood in order to focus. When teens wear hoods it acts as a security blanket. In school, hoods are classified as rude and disrespectful. 

Some teachers argue that wearing hoods could potentially be a safety hazard. This is because a hood obscures part of a person’s face and identity making it harder to spot an intruder or to identify a student who has done something wrong. 

Another reason hoods are banned is because it is a distraction. How could a hood be a distraction? Students are allowed to wear bracelets in school and some of them are brightly colored and could easily become a distraction, but they are not banned. Hoods are a way of security for some teens who struggle with anxiety and depression. They can also hide a bad hair day.