Why Thanksgiving is better than Christmas

Tara Mease, Staffer

Thanksgiving is better than Christmas to me. Thanksgiving is about food, something I hold close and am very fond of. Christmas though, being about giving and receiving, is good still, but Thanksgiving beats it in my view. Thanksgiving is better because of the way we celebrate with family. The holiday is also better simply because of it celebrating giving thanks. Christmas though, while being about giving and receiving, is still beat by Thanksgiving in my view.

When it comes to Thanksgiving, I think of spending time with my family. Christmas is spending time with family too, but I feel like most people think more about the gifts. At least in my family,  people seem to travel more for Thanksgiving than they do for Christmas. The difference in people may be due to weather, but it’s still a reason in my belief. Thanksgiving is not only a great time to feed on a lot of food, but it also incorporates family-life more than Christmas does.

Thanksgiving is a time for food and a time for true giving. When I hear Christmas I think of presents and greediness. People worry about getting the right presents and getting a big Christmas tree when they should really be thinking about family and being kind. When it’s Thanksgiving, people think about food and having a big feast with family at the dinner table. So instead of worrying about presents and getting a big tree, just focus on family.

To me, Thanksgiving is more about spending time with family whereas Christmas is all about the presents. I think that people focus on presents more than they do on more important things. Christmas to me is more selfish and greedy, while Thanksgiving remains pure and about thankfulness.