Elementary Students Shop for Family

Tara Mease, Staffer

Every year in the Elementary, they have a little Christmas shopping spree for the children called Santa’s Workshop. The children have a choice get some items off their Christmas list. Students are able to bring in money, and the PTO (through fundraising) gives each student to purchase one gift for themselves. 

They have different variety of items for the children to choose from, from baby to grandparent items. They also have different selections too like men, women, boy/girl, infant, even items for pets. Little tables were spread throughout the room that all contain objects for the shopping like gloves, picture frames, toy trucks, big blocks, and baby dolls.

However, it’s not an easy event for the people that help set up. “The biggest struggle is finding a wide variety of mens’ items because everything costs $2,” explained Mrs. Felegy. At the event,Josh Snyder, senior,  was helping a 2nd grade student named Carter with his Christmas list. “The best part about this is helping the kids, seeing them smile and be happy. Even the small things make them happy,” exclaimed Snyder. It’s a great time for the high school to be with the little kids and have the children leaving with a smile. Sometimes we forget about the small things in life. “It brings back memories of when we were little,” said Josh Snyder.

Santa’s Workshop is a great time for the children to experience Christmas shopping. They get to surprise their families with the presents they picked out. Santa’s Workshop always leaves the children excited for next year to do the experience all over again.