Opinion on Brett Kavanaugh

Rylee Hoffman, Staffer

Brett Kavanaugh has experienced a lot of hate since he began running for Anthony Kennedy’s term as a Supreme Court Judge. Kavanaugh is being harassed with accusations saying he raped multiple women about 40 years ago. To add to that, he is also being accused of underage drinking during his high school years. Kavanaugh has made some poor decisions in his life, and I still believe they should be further investigated before allowing him a seat in the Supreme Court.

Brett Kavanaugh has done some things in his life that hurts his chance for a seat in the Supreme Court, but a lot of the controversies he committed does not have enough support to validate it. Kavanaugh has been accused by multiple women claiming to have been raped by Brett around 40 years ago. While this is an issue that should automatically invalidate Kavanaugh’s candidacy for the Supreme Court, how much can you truly believe someone’s accusations of rape-crimes decades after it occurred? Brett could very well just have enemies who do not want to see him in the Supreme Court. Kavanaugh also had a lot of evidence in his yearbook describing times of underage drinking in his senior year of high school. Though, in Maryland where Brett lived, the drinking age was 18, so he wasn’t breaking the law. All of this does make Brett Kavanaugh look bad, but if all of the allegations are proven incorrect, I see Kavanaugh being fit for the absent seat in the Supreme Court.  

With all the allegations against Kavanaugh of how he’s unfit for a seat in the Supreme Court, it seems he has no chance to make it in. Though, without support, most of these accusations cannot be considered reliable. The allegations of rape will probably be overlooked due to the fact that Christine Ford did not tell the FBI back when she said she was raped. The drinking charges won’t be taken seriously due to how long ago it was, and the existence of the drinking age in Maryland being 18 up until July of 1982. I believe Kavanaugh should be able to obtain the absent seat in the Supreme Court because he denies the accusations of rape, and there is no proof to support them. I think Kavanaugh is in the right in this situation and deserves to be the replacement on the Supreme Court.