Senior of the Month: Karissa Morgan


Cardinal Chronicle

December 2021 Senior of the Month, Karissa Morgan.

Levi Bettinger, News Editor

Each Senior of the Month was asked 7 questions…

1.How do you feel about being a senior?

-It’s a bittersweet time to be thinking about going a separate way than friends that I have been making since kindergarten but also exciting to engage in the future I’ve been dreaming about.

2.How do you feel about being Senior of the Month?

-I feel honored that teachers have recognized my efforts inside and outside of the classroom. 

3.What do you want to do after you graduate?

-Go to a 4 year college for nursing and then a 3 year CRNA school.

4.What piece of advice would you give to underclassmen?

-Do not take high school for granted because it will fly by before you know it.

5.Best memory of senior year so far?

-Getting to have a successful season with my volleyball teammates.

6.Favorite thing to do outside of school?

-Arts and crafts.

7.Who is someone you look up to?

-I look up to my mom for how strong she has been throughout her battle with MS. Because of her I will never give up on myself nor others there is always a fight to be fought.