An Observation: Books Becoming A Way of the Past


Leighton Costabile

Students doing their assignments on computers, opposed to paper.

Leighton Costabile, Staffer

Within recent years, books haven’t been as popular of a choice amongst many classrooms since many assignments are completed virtually.  It is much easier to read or type assignments on an electronic device rather than a piece of paper. 

During the height of the Covid pandemic, we saw many schools adopt new habits of electronics to make learning easier and more efficient. Even with the height of the pandemic at an end, these habits are still fairly prominent, especially here at Pine Grove Area Schools. 

Each student has been assigned a  Chromebook for schoolwork.  There are many books sitting on teachers’ shelves untouched, because it is just simply better to carry something less heavy, and space consuming, such as a chromebook. However, there are areas where textbooks are still being utilized in school.

“We used to purchase a physical textbook for every student in all levels. And we still do that in some areas, specifically at the elementary level,” said Mr. Hoover, Director of Curriculum. 

Hoover continued, “But in other areas we have shifted to a classroom set of physical textbooks that can be used in school that are complemented by digital textbook licenses…” 

A lot of assignments that are given to students in the classroom are easily accessible and can be carried out on the go via the internet, along with any articles that may be assigned to read. You don’t have to worry about the burden of carrying around numerous papers that could potentially get lost.