Cardinal Chronicle


Hannah Brase, Journalism Staff

Full Name: Hannah Brase

Are you in Broadcasting, Journalism, or both? Journalism

Journalism Position: (Are you a Staffer or Editor): Staffer

How long have you been in Journalism/Broadcasting? 10 days

Class Level: (Are you a Freshman, Sophomore, Junior or a Senior) Freshman

Age: 14

Family: Mom(Jessica Brase), Step dad(Danny Hain), Little sisters(Titianna, Tenice), Step brother(Travis Hain), Bio Brother(Dominic Brase), Bio Sister (Evy Brase)

What is on your bookshelf or home-screen: Dominic and I

Go to comfort food: PicklesĀ 

Favorite place in Pennsylvania: 7 Tubs

Somewhere you have always wanted to travel: Hawaii

Hobbies: Drawing, Ridding

Why did you join Cardinal Chronicle: Wanted to try something new

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Hannah Brase